Rabu, Maret 03, 2010

[TRANS] 100301 Tohomobile - Jejung's Love Messages

Berikut ini kumpulan2 Tohomobile JJ yang mesra2...
Pokoknya dijamin bikin mimisan ampe abiz darah deh.LOL.
Mianhe belum sempat trans semua...I'm Sleepy..LOL.
Besok deh aq selesain terjemahan indonya.
P.S: terjemahan indo-nya sengaja di bikin puitis dan romantis, biar gak mengurangi sisi keromantisan JJ.

1. I only need to love you, I don't need anything else...
    Yang kubutuh hanya cintamu, ku tak perlu lainnya
2. I like you ^^
    Aku suka kamu ^^
3. I love you.
    Aku cinta kamu
4. We will definitely meet because I'm always waiting.
    Kita pasti akan bertemu karna aku selalu menunggu.
5. I love you oh~~
    Aku cinta kamu oh~~
6. I will always support you!
    Aku akan selalu mendukungmu!
7. Please come nearer to me!
    Datang mendekat padaku!
8. Do you have a lover?
    Apa kamu punya pacar?
9. I really like you!
    Aku sungguh menyukaimu!
10. It's okay, we will meet again.
      Tak apa, kita jumpa lagi.
11. Don't give up, let's work hard together!
      Jangan menyerah, ayo sama-sama bekerja keras!
12. Your all, I want!
       Semua darimu, yang kumau!
13. Your smile is my sun.
       Senyummu adalah matahariku.
14. I won't let you go home tonight.
      Aku takkan membiarkanmu pulang kerumah malam ini.
15. You have charmed me.
      Kamu mempesonaku.
16. Your lips belong to me.
       Bibirmu milikku.
17. I want to protect you.
      Aku ingin melindungimu.
18. Can you please stay for the night?
      Bisakah kamu tinggal untuk semalam?
19. It won't do if it isn't you
      Tidak akan bisa jika itu bukan kamu
20. The person that could make me wait like this, is you.
      Orang yang bisa membuatku menunggu seperti ini, hanya kamu.
21. I love you!
      Aku cinta kamu!
22. For you, I am willing to do anything!
      Demi dirimu aku rela melakukan apapun!
23. If I were to be reborn, maybe I might meet you again and love you.
      Jika aku terlahir lagi, mungkin aku akan bertemu denganmu lagi dan mencintaimu.
24. Tonight, I want to put you under the spell of love
      Malam ini, aku akan menaruhmu dibawah mantra cinta
25. Wherever you are, I will always protect you oh~
      Dimanapun kau berada, ku kan selalu menjagamu oh~
26. No matter the distance, my heart that loves you will never change.
      Tak peduli seberapa jauh, hatiku yang mencintaimu tak pernah berubah..
27. Are you okay? Your shouldering all these unhappiness and when I'm not next to you, I'll get worried oh~
      Apa kau baik-baik saja? Kamu menghadapi semua ketidakbahagiaan ini disaat aku tak berada disisimu, aku khawatir oh~
28. I've let you worry about me, I'm sorry
      Aku membiarkanmu mengkhawatirkanku, maafkan aku
29. I'm sorry for letting you tolerate this loneliness....
      Maafkan aku yang membiarkanmu menghadapi kesepian....
30. I'm thinking of you right now.
      Aku memikirkanmu saat ini.
31. I want to hear your voice even closer.
      Aku ingin mendengar suaramu lebih dekat.
32. I am going to meet you, now, immediately!
      Aku ajan menemuimu, sekarang, segera!
33. Actually, I also don't want to break up with you.
      Sebenarnya, aku juga tak ingin putus denganmu,
34. You are indeed very cute~
      Kamu benar-benar sangat imut~
35. Don't try to force it, when you're in front of me.
      Jangan coba untuk memaksakan itu, saat kau ada didepanku
36. Once I've been charmed, I can't get out of it.
      Ketika aku terpesona, aku tak dapat keluar darinya.
37. I will sing for you
      Aku akan bernyanyi untukmu
38. It's okay, because I will be by your side
      Tak apa, karena aku akan selalu disisimu
39. Whenever the time, I'll be by your side
40 I love you
41. Work hard tomorrow too!
42. Good morning!! Work hard!!
43. Rest today oh~ You must rest well~
44. Fighting! Be careful on the road!!
45. Fight fight fight!
46. Fighting!
47. Wonderful, come over!
48. I am leaving my house now~
49. This thing, is it spicy?
50. Hello!
51. I'm sorry!
52. Really delicious!
53. Do you know Japanese?
54. Sneak a nap while you're working~
55. Let's go!
56. Whatever that can be done tomorrow, do it tomorrow.
57. Oolong tea with alcohol, the taste is just too strong!
58. Are going to eat ramen at the end?
59. Can we go out again?
60. You are really good!
61. I'm sorry, please forgive me~
62. Relax, relax~
63. I'm too disappointed!
64. Are you working on an assignment now? You can't not finish it oh~
65. I really want to go to the beach with everyone again~~
66. Now on sale.
67. dekodekodeko~rin (a gag he learnt in a show, he used it with the members during the mc part of the 2nd live tour)
68. Let's go play!
69. What are you doing now?
70. Stay focused!
71. Sleep well~
72. Are you working on your assignment now? See, we will complete it together~
73. To everyone who has been working hard 'till late, I know that everyone is working hard~
74. It has reached the time to meet!
75. Hello~~
76. I am currently learning Korean.
77. It's morning~ Wake up~
78. It's time! Please hurry~
79. It's morning, please wake up~
80. Your message is here~
81. Ah, your message is here~ aren't you going to look at it?
82. Jejung has sent a message oh~
83. Ah, message! What is this? Ahahaha.
84. It's not a call, it should be a essage.
85. It's a love letter~ please pick up~
86. You have received a message.
87. Message, received!
88. Has the message arrived?
89. Honey~~ you've got a mail (in English)
90. Hey, a call!
91. There is a call.
92. A call is here
93. It's a call from Jejung oh~
94. It's a call from your friends oh~
95. It's a call from someone important oh~~
96. Are you not answering??
97. Please answer the phone!

Source: [heyjj] + [HATO]
Translations: thesexy-orange@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
Please do not remove/add on any credits

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