Rabu, Maret 03, 2010

[TRANS] 100301 Thirty one Proud Koreans

91st Anniversary of the 3·1 Movement - Winning Japan;
31 Proud Koreans

[24] TVXQ - singer
Five member group 'TVXQ' is experiencing explosive popularity in China and Taiwan as well as Japan. They have ranked first on the Oricon Charts eight times and have sold more than 3 million albums. They were the first group to hold a concert at the Tokyo Dome and they always attract a large crowd wherever they go.

Note: The 3.1 Movement or March First Movement was a series of demonstrations for Korean national independence from Japan that began on March 1, 1919 in Seoul and spread throughout Korea. Although the demonstrations were peaceful, nearly 23,000 were killed or wounded in clashes with the Japanese police and military. After the demonstrations were finally suppressed 12 months later, the Japanese government reformed its governance of Korea and gave the Koreans a small measure of self-government. Today March 1st is celebrated in both North and South Korea as a national holiday in honor of the demonstrators' patriotism.

[24] TVXQ - penyanyi
Lima anggota grup 'TVXQ' mengalami ledakan popularitas di Cina dan Taiwan serta Jepang. Mereka telah menempati peringkat pertama di Oricon Chart sebanyak delapan kali dan telah terjual lebih dari 3 juta album. Mereka adalah kelompok pertama untuk mengadakan konser di Tokyo Dome dan mereka selalu menarik banyak orang kemana pun mereka pergi.

Catatan: Gerakan 3.1 atau Gerakan Satu Maret adalah serangkaian demonstrasi untuk kemerdekaan nasional dari korea jepang yang dimulai pada 1 Maret 1919 di Seoul dan menyebar ke seluruh Korea. Meskipun demonstrasi damai, hampir 23.000 orang tewas atau terluka dalam bentrokan dengan polisi dan militer Jepang. Setelah demonstrasi itu akhirnya ditekan 12 bulan kemudian, pemerintah Jepang mereformasi pemerintahannya Korea dan memberikan Korea ukuran kecil pemerintahan sendiri. hari ini, 1
Maret dirayakan di Korea Utara dan Selatan sebagai hari libur nasional untuk menghormati para demonstran 'patriotisme.

Source: [maeil gyunjae (daily economy)+Yuaerubi]
Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net

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