Selasa, Maret 30, 2010

[News] U-Know Yunho, Catching Michael Jackson

‘A Tribute’ band from Michael Jackson’s THIS IS IT movie and U-Know Live’ which is held at Yongsan War Memorial Square is a tribute concert to reminicent the death of King of Pop Michael Jackson (1958 – 2009) in June last year. 15 of Jackson’s hits were unfolded in the concert that was lasted for 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Band ‘A Tribute’ dari film THIS IS IT Michael Jackson dan Live U-Know' yang diselenggrakan di Yongsan War Memorial Square adalah sebuah konser penghormatan untuk mengingat kematian King of Pop Michael Jackson (1958-2009) di Juni tahun lalu. 15 hits Michael Jackson dibawakan dalam konser yang berlangsung selama 1,5 jam.

TVXQ’ U-Know Yunho (24) took the lead vocal for the concert and all 2000 audiences showed enthusiasm to his brilliant debut. Tony Terry and Van Johnsons were the other vocalists appearing, and not only the songs which would reminiscent you to Michael Jackson, but U-Know Yunho’s dance and stage costumes were all focused to give Jackson vibe throughout the concert.
U-Know Yunho (24) TVXQ, menjadi lead vocal untuk konser dan seluruh 2000 audiens menunjukkan antusiasme untuk debut briliannya. Tony Terry dan Van Johnsons merupakan penampilan vokalis lainnya dan tak hanya lagu-lagu yang akan mengingatkanmu pada Michael Jackson, tetapi tarian U-Know Yunho's dan penampilan panggung semua difokuskan untuk memberikan getaran Jackson melalui konser.

The opening concert songs were taken from one of Jackson’s best selling album ‘Thriller’ that was released in 1982. The song was ‘Beat It’. U-Know Yunho popped out from under the stage, and despite the highly cold weather, he showed off his magnificent dancing skill.

Lagu-lagu pembuka konser diambil dari salah satu album penjualan terbaik 'Thriller' yang dirilis tahun 1982. Lagu tersebut adalah 'Beat It'. U-Know Yunho muncul dari bawah panggung dan walaupun cuaca sangat dingin, dia menunjukkan kemampuan menarinya yang luar biasa.

After ‘Beat It’, U-Know Yunho said, “Hello! This is U-Know Yunho. It’s really cold, isn’t it? I feel delight to stand as lead singer in this Michael Jackson’s tribute show.” and “I’m going to show you performances that will blow away the cold.”

Setelah 'Beat It', U-Know Yunho berkata, "Hello! ini U-Know Yunho. Ini benar-benar dingin bukan? Aku merasa gembira untuk berdiri sebagai penyanyi utama dalam acara penghormatan Michael Jackson ini dan aku akan menunjukkan kepadamu penampilan yang akan menyingkirkan rasa dingin."

Terry and Johnson then appeared to sing bunch of another Jackson’s hit songs for the audiences, ‘Working Day And Night’ and ‘Rock with You’ which were from Jackson’s 1979 released album ‘Off The Wall’

Terry dan Johnson kemudian tampil untuk menyanyikan berbagai lagu hits Michael jackson untuk audiens, 'Working Day and Night' dan 'Rock With You' yang berasal dari rilis album Jackson tahun 1979 'Off The Wall'

‘PYT (Pretty Young Thing)’, ‘Remember The Time’, ‘Human Nature’ were performed with a live band and by listening to them the memories of Jackson’s hits were given a strong holds in our mind.

'PYT (Pretty Young Thing)','Remember The Time','Human Nature' ditampilkan secara band langsung dan dengan mendengarkan mereka, kenangan tentang hits-hits Michael Jackson dilekatkan kuat ke dalam pikiran kita.

U-Know Yunho appeared again on stage to sing a song from 1987 Jackson’s release ‘Bad’, ‘Smooth Criminal’. U-Know Yunh showed a passionate Michael Jackson performances and being compared to the opening stage, the fans cheering was even hotter.

U-Know Yunho tampil kembali di panggung untuk menyanyikan lagu rilis dari tahun 1987 Jackson 'Bad', "Smooth Criminal'. U-Know Yunho menampilkan penampilan Michael Jackson yang bergairah dan bila dibandingkan dengan pembukaan, fans berteriak lebih keras.

When Terry sang a song that belongs to the brother group Jackson Five, ‘Never Can Say Goodbye’, during the call he said, “Michael I love you. I never can say goodbye.” turning the fans in screams. Eventhough Michael Jackson was not physically exist anymore, but his name and music still bring a big effect.

Ketika Terry menyanyikan sebuah lagu milik Jackson ive bersaudara, 'Never Can Say Goodbye', selama pertunjukkan dia berkata ,"Michael, aku mencintaimu. Aku takkan pernah dapat mengatakan selamat jalan." menjadikan para penggemar berteriak. Walaupun Michael Jackson tak hadir secara fisik lagi, tetapi musik dan namanya masih membawa sebuah efek besar.

After some spare moments, U-Know Yunho appeared to sing ‘They Don’t Really Care About Us’ and ‘Jam’, the stages gave a different manifestation in Jackson respect. Yunho showed a different charisma that one he showed during TVXQ performance and his skill was flawless.

Setelah luang beberapa saat, U-Know Yunho tampil untuk menyanyikan ' They Don't Really Care About Us' dan 'Jam', Tiap tahapan memberikan menifestasi berbeda dalam menghormati Jackson. Yunho menunjukkan karisma berbeda yang dia tampilkan selama pertunjukkan TVXQ dan kemampuannya sempurna.

Yunho, Terry, and Johnson finished the stage with encore song ‘Thriller’ whose music video was the first to be registered in United States National Movie book.

Yunho, Terry dan Johnson menutup panggung dengan pengulangan lagu 'Thriller' yang video musiknya adalah yang pertama didaftarkan dalam buku film nasional United States

U-Know Yunho’s mates from the same label company TVXQ Changmin as well as SHINEE’s Minho did appear and attracted many attention. The concert was delayed for more than 1 hour and 10 minutes, leaving the 2000 audiences trembled in cold and frowned. ‘A Tribute’ band from Michael Jackson’s THIS IS IT movie and U-Know Live’ will take another stage tomorrow on 28th and be held at the same place.

Rekan U-Know Yunho dari satu label perusahaan yang sama,Changmin TVXQ dengan Minho Shinee, hadir dan menarik banyak perhatian. Konser tersebut ditunda selama 1 jam 10 menit, membiarkan 2000 penonton gemetar dan mengerutkan dahi dalam dingin. band 'A Tribute' dari film THIS IS IT Michael Jackson dan live U-Know akan tampil di panggung besok pada 28 Maret dan diadakan di tempat yang sama

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