Junsu-san☆Additional Info
2010-04-18 (Sun) 07:49
Since I posted an article concerning Junsu-san of Tohoshinki,
there were many access and comments from the fans.
I cannot reply to each of them, so I want to express my gratitude here.
Everyone, thank you very much for your kind comments.
In exchange, I have heard the backstage stories of the photo session from the person in charge, who was the actual reporter that day.
Junsu-san appeared that date in simple style; jeans, T shirt, and jacket.
He seems to be a very courteous person.
When he was asked about the type of girl he prefers, he answered,
“For an example, when a girl drops something and picks it up, she takes care not to show her front, or, when she hands something to another person, she also gives out her other hand. I like girls with those thoughtfulness.”
What was his drink during the photo session? It was water.
The photographer was Miyuki Matsuda (she was the wife of the late actor Yusaku Matsuda, and the mother of the actor brothers Ryuhei & Shota Matsuda.)
The went along smoothly with each other.
The photo session was full of excitement.
After the photo session, the staffs were given out the album. (T/N: she does not state the name of the album)
There was a handwritten “Thank you” message in Japanese, and there was his signature, too.
I am going to hear his vocals, too.
Junsu-san is supported by all the passionate fans’ feelings.
For me, the interest for him has increased deeply.
Be Fabulous!
translation: smiley @ OneTVXQ.com
credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
Blog baru saja diperbarui dengan isi yang terkait pada Junsu.
Aku baru saja menerima banyak Email dari orang-orang, dan meskipun aku tidak bisa membalas semuanya, aku masih sangat berterimakasih. Terimakasih atas kehangatan kalian, kata-kata dukungan, jadi, untuk membayar atas itu semua, aku baru saja meminta detail dari wartawan tentang wawancara Junsu.
Satu hari wawancara, Junsu sangat apa adanya --dengan jeans, sebuah kaos, dan jaket.
Dia adalah pria muda yang sangat sopan. Ketika ditanya tentang tipe wanita idealnya, dia membalas :
"Aku suka ketika dia mengambil sesuatu dan dengan kesopanannya ia menutup bagian di dadanya. Ketika dia memberi sesuatu dengan kedua tangannya. Dan gadis yang memperhatikan hal-hal yang kecil."
Tema pengambilan gambar latar air. Selama pengambilan gambar, dia sangat antusias dan memiliki chemistry yang kuat dengan Miyuki Matsuda, si fotografer.
Setelah mengambilan gambar, dia memberiku sebuah album dan disitu tertulis "terimakasih" dalam bahasa jepang dan tanda tangan Junsu.
Dia sangat menakjubkan. Aku sangat ingin menghargai musiknya yang terbaik sebisaku dan Junsu memiliki dukungan antusias dari para penggemarnya dan aku juga tiba-tiba mengembangankan sebuah ketertarikan yang besar padanya.
Jadilah luar biasa!
Source : Baidutvxq
Translation Credits : Supernike911@tohosomnia.net
shared by : tohosomnia.net
Indo trans : Ecca @ Fansclub Indonesia for Xiah