Senin, Mei 17, 2010

[TRANS] Yunho and Changmin to Attend a Media Conference

SM Entertainment Company will be working together with James Cameron, the creator and director of Hollywood blockbuster, Avatar, and Samsung Electronics on a series of 3D-related production (including movies, music and other tools of commercialization).
SM Entertainment akan bekerja sama dengan James Cameron, pencipta dan sutradara dari ‘Blockbuster Hollywood’, Avatar, dan Samsung ‘Elektronics’ pada sebuah seri produksi yang berhubungan dengan 3D (termasuk film, musik,dan alat lain untuk mengomersilkan).

SM, Cameron and Samsung Electronics will hold a combined conference regarding the expansion of 3D-related content on the 14th at Samsung Electronic’s multi-purpose hall located in Seocho-dong, Seoul.
SM, Cameron dan Samsung Electronics akan memegang konferensi terkombinasi yang merujuk pada bentuk yang berhubungan dengan 3D hari ke 14 di aula multi fungsi milik Samsung Electronics yang berlokasi di Seocho-dng, Seoul.

Other than the SM production team, BoA, Yunho, Changmin and other artistes will also attend the conference.
Lain daripada tim produksi SM, BoA, Yunho, Changmin, dan artis lain juga akan menghadiri konferensi.

On the other hand, James Cameron, who arrived on the 12th with his wife for a 3-day schedule, will return to Los Angeles on the afternoon of the 14th after concluding his schedule for the “Seoul Digital Forum”.
Di sisi lain, James Cameron, yang tiba hari ke 12 bersama isterinya untuk jadwal 3 hari, akan kembali ke Los Angeles pada siang hari ke 14 setelah mengakhiri jadwalnya untuk “Seoul Digital Forum”.

Source: Joins Bang Song + baiduTVXQ
Translation: kimuchi3005 @
Indo trans: tandy@Fansclub Indo of Xiah
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

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